This Week: All About Kub Kars

This Week: All About Kub Kars

We’re meeting at the St. Agnes Hall. This week’s meeting is all about Kub Kars!

What are Kub Kars

Kub Kars are made from blocks of pine wood. They are made to be fun, fast, creative and are powered only by gravity. They also continue the concepts of potential and kinetic energy that we learned about at Dalhousie almost two weeks ago. If you’re not familiar with them, here’s a rather noisy video from 2008 in Dartmouth that shows races in action.

Homework for this week

  • Kub Kars are a great way for kids to learn a lot, be creative and have fun. I suggest that you and your Cub(s) watch this U.S.-based YouTube video (note: Kub Kars are called Pinewood Racers in the US) about the science behind them before this week’s meeting so they are prepared to ask Bagheera lots of challenging questions! Please disregard the comment about dads building the cars. We know both moms and dads help out!
  • Each meeting we ask Cubs to talk about a good deed. Please remind your Cub that this is expected of them – and that a good deed can also be a proactive action, such as helping an elderly neighbour with chores. We usually get a lot of deeds similar to “My friend fell down and I helped him/her up” but we’d like to see the Cubs actually make a point of going out of their way to do something thoughtful.

Remember, for hall meetings Cubs need indoor running shoes and a water bottle.

– Baloo, Cubs HQ