Let the adventure begin…

Scouting brings a world of adventure, outdoor experience and friendship to youth and adults.

26th Halifax

Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Ventures!!


Kids have zany ideas — and we’re here for it. That’s why we let them lead the way. From building pirate ships to hiking large forests, we help them unleash their wildest ideas. Let’s get Scouting.

Adventure, outdoor experience and friendship. It starts with Scouts!

Scouts Canada is the country’s leading co-ed youth organization, offering programming for children and youth aged 5-26.  With over 50,000 youth participating across the country, in multiple languages and reflecting Canada’s multicultural landscape, kids and youth in Scouts chart their own path of discovery.  Through a variety of fun experiences, outdoor adventures and contributions to their community, Scouts builds resilience and skills that set them up for life.   

Youth in Scouts are supported by a dedicated team of over 12,000 volunteers who collectively donate over two million hours of their time, providing youth with the opportunity to grow, to challenge themselves and to experience countless firsts.  Our volunteers help us bring our vision of youth making meaningful contributions to creating a better world to life by lifting people, communities and neighbourhoods. 

Scouts Canada is part of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) which has over 40 million members in 167 National Scout Organizations around the world. 


Support 26th Halifax



If you have recyclables, drop them off at Tanner’s Transfer Enviro Depot (6393 Bayne St, Halifax – View map); tell them it’s for the 26th Halifax Scouting Group. Profits will help fund our Scouting Group programs.

Donate to 26 Halifax

Your support helps our volunteers deliver a better program for youth and a greater impact for our community. If you donate more than $20, you will receive a tax receipt from Scouts Canada. Email 26halifax@gmail.com if you’d like to make a donation.

Other ways to support

From equipment donations to volunteering opportunities, we’d love your support. Learn more about how you can support 26th Halifax.

NWK Cubs enjoyed a sleepover last night at Saint Margaret of Scotland Parish Hall. Cubs played board games, a movie and popcorn. Some even slept a few hours! Breakfast in morning and home again! Great fun Cubs! Now we Scouters can sleep! ... See MoreSee Less
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Beavers and Scouts from North West Kjipuktuk Scouting went for a night time excursion to the Shubenacadie Wild Life Park. A Nature Interpreter gave a guided tour with flashlights providing a nocturnal view of the 50+ species of animals ... See MoreSee Less
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NORTH WEST KJIPUKTUK GROUPBADGE DESIGN CONTEST This year, two long standing Halifax Scouting Groups 26th Halifax & 22 Halifax have come together as ne single Group - 1st NorthWest Kjipuktuk! Kjipuktuk, meaning '"great harbour," was the name Mi'kmaw people first gave to the harbour and Halifax area. The use of this name, Kjipuktuk name an important step in reconciliation and building better relationships with Indigenous people shows respect and recognition of the language and culture of the Mi'kmaw peoples who first settled these lands, an important step in reconciliation and building better relationships with Indigenous peopleAs part of the celebration, we need to design design our Groups'badge and we want the help of our youth! The new design must include thefollowing:- Our name: "North West Kjipuktuk"- Our group colours of red, white and black- Something that symbolizes what scouting means to you- Something that symbolizes our part of Halifax/the WorldSee below for offfical design requirements. ... See MoreSee Less
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Lest We Forget!Cubs and Scouts from 1st North West Kjipuktuk Scouting Group, Halifax endured the wind and rain on Monday November 11th, Remembrance Day, at Royal Artillery Park in Halifax to show their gratitude and respect for the women and men who have served and continue to serve to protect our freedom and way of life in Canada. They honor the many who sacrificed their lives in wars and conflicts over the years. Llewellyn MacKinnon, Cub Scout and Sawyer Murphy, Scout layed a wreath on behalf of the group. We were very proud and grateful to our Scouting families for their participation in yesterday's ceremonies. ... See MoreSee Less
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5 months ago

North West Kjipuktuk Scouting - Halifax, Nova Scotia
North West Kjipuktuk Scouting - Halifax, Nova Scotia ... See MoreSee Less
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News & Updates

Registration for the 2o23-24 Scouting year is now open! ...
The leadership of the 26th Halifax (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) are so pleased to share with you the success to date of our cabin fundraiser. The 26th Halifax hold a ...
26th Halifax Scouts meet Fred Turnbull, D-Day veteran.
On April 9th, 26th Halifax Scouts got to meet a veteran of the D-Day invasion at Government House (Nova Scotia).After viewing a presentation on D-Day, they met Fred Turnbull, who ...
Hi all! Scoutrees is taking place on Saturday. Please ensure your pledge forms/pledges are returned to your Scouters/leaders this week in an envelope with your youth's name written on it! ...
Thank you to all supporters of the 26th Halifax cabin. Our first phase of fundraising is at an end and we raised $6,025.00! This will allow us to replace our ...
Hello Scout families and friends, Thank you everyone who helped make our annual Pancake Supper another great success! Thank you to all our youth who helped with serving our valued ...