10 Sep Welcome to Cubs & this coming week!
Hello Cubs families,
We hope you have had a wonderful summer and are excited to welcome you to Cubs for 2016-17 at 26th Halifax.
It’s going to be a really great year; we’re working on developing a program with youth and families that we think will provide wonderful experiences, opportunities and life-long memories!
Highlights for this year:
- more camping and outdoor activities;
- new activities following Scouts Canada’s new Canadian Path program;
- revised badges and badge requirements;
- Kub Kars, community outreach and much more.
First meeting on Wednesday
Our first meeting is this Wednesday, from 6:30 – 8 pm at the St. Agnes Church Hall, 6903 Mumford Rd, Halifax, Nova Scotia (View Google Map).
- Drop off/Pickup – Make sure you check your Cub in with a leader at drop off, and check them out at pick up. We always make sure everyone is safe and accounted for.
- Uniforms – If your Cub has a uniform, please have them wear it. Here’s a refresher on the Cub uniform. New Cubs without uniforms don’t need to worry!
- What to bring – Running shoes and a bottle of water
- New and returning Cubs should revisit the Cubs promise,
Fall schedule & program
We’ll be posting a calendar of Cubs events/event locations on our website in the next week. You can reach it through the Cubs page; we will send out a notice when it’s available.
Communications for this year
We’re going to rely less on email and post information on the website so you can refer to it easily, when needed.
- Website at https://26halifax.org/cubs/ – We are going to post ALL events and info on our website at https://26halifax.org/cubs/. This includes:
- Up-to-date events calendar you can refer to at any time (Cubs events are in gold colour)
- Blog for updates (such as this email) through website (https://26halifax.org/cubs), with some guest blogging by Cubs themselves (hopefully)
- Info on events with dates, times, contact info, packing lists (if needed) and more.
- Emails – Monthly updates and a weekly summary, but we’ll also post key info (such as this email) on the website
- Contacts for your Cub – If you would like another email address added to this list to also receive emails, or want to change which email address we contact you with, please email 26halifax@gmail.com and let us know 1) for which Cub 2) what the addition/change is
Parent participation
We encourage parents and families to participate in the program. Please read our For Parents page to learn about parental involvement in activities.
We will be scheduling a Parents Night for early October where we’ll talk about the program and other related topics! More details to come.
2016-17 Leaders (aka Scouters)
- Akela – Robert Bray, our dedicated
- Bagheera – Derek Spencer, Cub Corbin’s dad
- Rama – Sean Flemming, Cub Emeritus Daniel’s (current scout) dad
- Baloo – Graham MacDougall, Cub Dominic’s dad
We are volunteers delivering this program to youth in the community. We need your help to make it happen. From assisting at and planning events, giving rides to youth who need a lift to meetings and events, or taking Scouts Canada training to becoming a leader, any help is appreciated and a very good use of your time! You don’t need to commit a lot of time to make a difference. Learn more about volunteering
See you Wednesday,
– Baloo (Graham)