12 Jul Cabin fundraiser – Our thanks for your support
The leadership of the 26th Halifax (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) are so pleased to share with you the success to date of our cabin fundraiser. The 26th Halifax hold a rustic cabin at Miller Lake that has supported decades of Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts in outdoor adventure. Our well-loved cabin was in need of some critical structural repairs, so we reached out for support among the family and friends of our Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts to consider supporting our cabin repairs.
The early response exceeded our expectations with $3,025 raised! Our heartfelt thanks go out to those of you who were able to contribute and support our efforts in preparing the cabin for the next 30 years. Repairs are already underway with rotten decks being removed, sills being replaced, and plans to fix the fire escape and decks this summer and fall being developed. With these structural repairs, we anticipate being able to open the cabin in the fall of 2019.
Based on your positive feedback and our desire to have a local, self-controlled cabin to offer outdoor adventure programming, we are going to continue fundraising for our cabin so that we can complete more upgrades – such as a bridge from the road to our cabin site and modest upgrades in the interior of the cabin (e.g., a new (to us) stove).
We are always so thankful for your support – both in time and financially. As you may know, Scouts Canada does not allow funds raised for programming (e.g., Apple Day, popcorn sales, ScoutTrees) be used to finance capital improvements. Consequently, the early success of this cabin fundraiser has been important in making these critical repairs and allowing the cabin to be re-opened.
In addition to those who contributed financially, we also wanted to thank those who have volunteered their time to help with repairs. All these efforts have allowed us Scouters to focus on delivering a quality program that we are proud of and, we believe, the youth enjoy and benefit from.
If any families or friends wish to contribute their talents to future repairs, please reach out to shanna.trenaman@dal.ca and I will gladly put you in touch with our construction crew who always welcome another set of helping hands.
Thank you on behalf of all the 26th Halifax Scouters,
- Scouts: Elizabeth Burns, John Blake, Graham MacDougall, Andrew Thalheimer, Bruce Campbell, Brett MacNeil, Eric Greene
- Cubs: Robert Bray, Derek Spencer, Ryan Taplin, Rosalie Hanlon, Kenneth Harvie, Sean Flemming
- Beavers: Shanna Trenaman, Katherine Orlik, Carol-Anne McDonald, Eunkyung Ra