22 Sep 26th Halifax Scouts Summer Activities
The 26th Halifax Scouts were active on the Canadian Path this summer. While we took a break from regular weekly meetings at the end of June, the troop made sure activities carried on throughout the summer.
Camping on McNabs Island
In June, we had our final camp (night #15 for those who are counting) at McNabs Island. McNabs is a Provincial Park and groups can camp there, but permission must be obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources. We were allowed to spend the night at Fort Ives, a 19th/20th century fortress that guards the entrance to the harbour. A great spot to camp and a wonderful experience.

26th Halifax Scouts camp at Fort Ives, a 19th/20th century fortress that guards the entrance to the harbour. A great spot to camp and a wonderful experience.
Movie night: The Incredibles II in 3D
With the arrival of the summer break, scheduling is always a challenge, but we decided that we’d do simple, drop-in type activities that would work with a group of any size. In early July the troop had a Tuesday movie night to see the Incredibles II in 3D. A really fun night and something we don’t usually do during the regular Scout season!
26th Halifax in Switzerland
Later in July, a small group from the 26th were able to visit the Kandersteg International Scout Centre in Switzerland (KISC). KISC is a permanent mini-jamboree run by the World Organization of Scout Movements. There are camping facilities, permanent lodgings, cooking facilities, and program areas.
Participants can sign up for program activities like mountain climbing, white water rafting, and long distance hiking. It was a great experience and we highly recommend it. See www.kisc.ch for more detail. Our favourite activity was an 8-hour round trip hike to a mountain hut for alpine tea.
We got to meet Scouts from all over the world, including fellow Scouts from the US, Iceland, and the United Kingdom.

We got to meet Scouts from all over the world, including fellow Scouts from the US, Iceland, and the United Kingdom.
Cooking for ARK Outreach Centre
As August rolled around, the 26th Halifax started to get ready for the new Scouting year. We arranged our fall schedule and cleaned our camping gear. We also took the time in mid-August to prepare a meal for ARK Outreach Centre on Gottingen Street. This is always a fun activity – our Scouts get to practice their cooking skills, while building community service hours, and helping our brothers and sisters in need. We do this a few times during the year, but were especially happy to help our sponsor in the summer when summer vacations make it more difficult to get meals ready.
Summer skills camp at Dollar Lake
Some of our new scouts (all former 26th Halifax Cub Scouts) participated in a skills camp to get a jump start on the scouting year. From camp preparations (including meal planning, gear prep) to permit work – they got to experience a 26th Halifax scout camp during a weekend of perfect weather.
The 26th Halifax enjoyed summer activities. Our pace was more relaxed, but we’ve kept going and we feel like we’ve “hit the ground running” this fall.