Visit to Halifax Regional Police HQ

Visit to Halifax Regional Police HQ

The 44th and 26th Cub Scouts visited the Halifax Regional Police HQ together on Wednesday!

Special thanks to Constable Chris MacPhail who ran the tour (and showed us his own Cub Scout uniform!), Det. Constable Jonathan Beer who show the youth Forensics, Constable Aaron Head and Gryphon from the K9 unit.

Constable Chris MacPhail shows us his Cub Scout memorabilia.

Constable Chris MacPhail shows us his Cub Scout memorabilia.


Constable Chris MacPhail welcomes the Cub Scouts.

Constable Chris MacPhail welcomes the Cub Scouts.


Constable Chris MacPhail welcomes the Cub Scouts.

Constable Chris MacPhail welcomes the Cub Scouts.



Constable Chris MacPhail explains what the holding cells are used for, and for how long someone can be held.

Constable Chris MacPhail explains what the holding cells are used for, and for how long someone can be held.


They didn't want to sleep over.

They didn’t want to sleep over.


Our cabins don’t look so bad now!




Yes, the Cub Scouts had a lot of questions.

Yes, the Cub Scouts had a lot of questions.


Receiving a presentation in the briefing room used before each shift.


Entering Forensics


Detective Constable Beer demonstrations forensic techniques.


Constable Aaron Head (age unknown) and Gryphon (age 3).


Constable Aaron Head and Gryphon brief the Cub Scouts about the K9 unit and do a brief (yet effective) demo.

Constable Aaron Head and Gryphon brief the Cub Scouts about the K9 unit and do a brief (yet effective) demo.


26th and 44th Cubs.

26th and 44th Cubs.


26th and 44th Cubs with Constable MacPhail and Gryphon (K9)

We extend our sincere thanks to Constable Chris MacPhail, Det. Constable Jonathan Beer, Constable Aaron Head and Gryphon of the Halifax Regional Police for this adventure!

– 26th & 44th Cub Scouts, Fortress Halifax Area