This week in Cubs, plus some updates.

This week in Cubs, plus some updates.

We hope you’ve had a great weekend! Last week’s hike was a lot of fun; thankfully the Cubs could find the North Star so we could find our way back to the parking lot 😉 Here’s what’s coming this week – and beyond.

This Wednesday – Knots, badges & games

Location: St. Agnes Hall

We didn’t get time to work on knots and lashings (to be put to use at camp) and for our new Cubs, investiture prep. We’ll also be looking at Scouts Canada’s personal achievement badges and talking with Cubs about how they can work on badges that interest them.

Cubs bring: Running shoes, water bottle

Next Wednesday – Halloween 

Location: St. Agnes Hall

A Spooktastic Halloween meeting with a haunted campfire, games and more. Cubs and leaders are encouraged to come in costume.

Cubs bring: Costume, running shoes, water bottle

Upcoming events:

  • Apple Day – Saturday, Oct. 29
    Please pencil this date in as we’re going to be conducting our annual Apple Day fundraiser and we’ll need Cubs to participate. Funds raised directly support our program activities and outings.
  • One-night camp – Saturday Nov. 5
    Program and details are yet to come, but we have a one-night camp planned at our Miller Lake cabin.
  • Remembrance Day – Nov. 11
    26th Halifax Beavers, Cubs & Scouts will be attending the Remembrance Day Ceremony at the cenotaph at Camp Hill (corner of Robie and Jubilee) at 10:45 am-11:30. We’ll share more info soon.

See you Wednesday,

– Baloo – Cubs HQ