This Week in Cubs for Oct. 26

This Week in Cubs for Oct. 26

Last week Scouter Elizabeth and two brave Scouts joined us to work on knots! Cub parent Andy de Champlain took some photos and we’ve posted a few on our site. Thanks Andy!
Help with Apple Day this Saturday: We need Cub volunteers for 30 min shifts Sat. morning to raise funds for pack activities. Please select a time for your cub to participate
This week: A spooktacular evening
We’re meeting at the hall for our annual Halloween party. Cubs can/should come in costume. We don’t allow weapons of any type – real, simulated or otherwise (no plastic weapons). We will likely have some treats for the kids so let us know if they have any allergies or if there are foods they can’t eat.
Reminder: Popcorn orders are due this week! Please drop them off with Akela.
Coming up: