St. Agnes Church Hall (View map)
Corner of Mumford & Chebucto
$8 per adult
$4 per youth (under 12).
Tickets at the door.
The 26th Halifax Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are hosting the annual Pancake Supper. It will be held on Shrove Tuesday, in the Parish Auditorium. The menu will consist of pancakes, sausages, cake and orange slices along with juice, tea or coffee.
The pancake supper is a great opportunity to raise funds and bring families together, while being served by your youth and their Scouters. Any proceeds realized from this Pancake Supper go directly to 26th Halifax to support programming in Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.
Together we can make this year’s Pancake Supper another great success.
We need help from our Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers to help cook, serve, clear tables and more. And they also get a free pancake supper before their shift for helping out. Parents/Guardians will be contacted in the near future with a schedule!
We need help from our youth to help cook, serve, clear tables and more. We need adult volunteers to setup, serve, organize and help with the cleanup. Your help in any area will be greatly appreciated.