14 September, 2023
Here’s how we’ll have a safe and fun camp for all!
- Cubs must check in with Akela upon arrival & departure.
- Cubs will be responsible for looking after their own gear.
- Cubs will keep the centre aisle upstairs clear at all times for ease of exit in case of fire.
- Cubs must keep all footwear away from the top and bottom of stairs and away from doors for ease of exit in case of fire.
- Cubs do not touch the propane stove or the wood stove. This is the responsibility of adults.
- Cubs will only take food/drink with permission.
- Cubs will remain in established boundaries.
- Cubs are not permitted on the fire escape, except in case of fire.
- Any knives/matches must be handed into leaders.
- All medication must be given to First Aider.
- When Cubs hear three long whistle blasts, they will return IMMEDIATELY TO CABIN.
- If someone is hurt Cubs will immediately seek help from adult.
- Cubs will avoid horseplay/wrestling upstairs.
Cubs will show RESPECT at all times:
- Play safe and fair.
- Cubs will show cooperation, kindness to others.
- Cubs will touch only what belongs to them.
- Cubs will always use appropriate language.
- Hands-off each other!
- Cubs will be respectful of others’ privacy.
- Cubs will use manners.
- Cubs will be expected to perform Camp Chores.
- Cubs will participate in all activities and do their best.
And finally:
- Cubs will not have fun at camp.