Nov. 6 – Cubs This Week

Nov. 6 – Cubs This Week

Hi Cubs families,


We’re meeting at the hall on Wednesday for a special Remembrance Day edition of Cubs! We’ll have a special guest speaker (and Cub parent) from the Royal Canadian Navy to talk about what Remembrance Day is all about, and what it means. We’ll give the Cubs a chance to share about family members who have served. Cubs will also create cards for veterans at the Camp Hill Veterans Memorial Building.

SATURDAY, Nov. 11 at 10 am – Remembrance Day Ceremony

We will be participating in the Remembrance Day ceremony at the cenotaph at the Camp Hill Veterans Memorial Building on Nov. 11. Cubs will line the route veterans take to the cenotaph to greet them as they make their way to the ceremony. The cenotaph is at the corner of Robie St and Veterans Memorial Ln. View on map ( Families are encouraged to attend!

We’ll meet at 10 am near the cenotaph (inside the fenced area so you younger ones are away from the street).

Look for the 26th Halifax flags.

– Baloo, CubsHQ